Saint Louis contracts awarded

23 January 2014

The Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District (MSD) has selected a Black & Veatch-led team to manage the construction of more than USD 500M in future tunnel projects. The tunnels are part of MSDĀ¹s long term project to address sewer overflows and basement backups throughout the St Louis area, US.

The team is responsible for construction management of up to seven different tunnels. The tunnels will range from 9ft (2.7m) in diameter to more than 20ft (6m). The longest tunnel will be nearly seven miles long (11.2km). All tunnels will be approximately 150 to 250ft (46 - 76m) below the surface. It will take approximately 15 to 20 years to complete all of the tunnels.

Initial construction is expected to begin by early 2015.