Groundwater control measures are imperative for the success of many projects. The lecture – part of the BGA series of evening meetings – will discuss how uncontrolled groundwater inflows or pressures can cause instability and problems to tunnels and other excavations.

Preene, winner of the 2021 ICE John Mitchell Medal, will discuss how thinking conceptually about groundwater problems can be of great benefit when developing groundwater control schemes, and how a robust conceptual model helps reduce the risk of designs being developed using inappropriate techniques. Examples will be given of instances where conceptual understanding of groundwater conditions proved vital in developing a practical engineering solution.

To be held online on 18 January (17.00-18.30 GMT), the interactive event will cover:

  • The benefit of thinking conceptually when developing groundwater control schemes.
  • The use of robust, theoretical models to reduce the risk of designs being developed with inappropriate techniques.
  • Case studies where a deeper understanding of groundwater conditions proved vital in developing practical engineering solutions.

Preene – a former BGA Chair – is an acknowledged expert in the investigation, design and implementation of temporary works’ groundwater control for construction projects. With 35 years’ experience, he has worked on projects in more than 40 countries with both contractors and consultants. He is currently Technical Director at Richter Associates and is well known to readers of Tunnels & Tunnelling International, for which he has written in the past.

The event is organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers.

For booking and further information visit: