This machine with a diameter of 15.08m will be produced for the planned Caltanissetta road tunnel in Sicily on behalf of the Italian company, CMC Cooperativa Muratori Cementisti Ravena, and its partner, Tecnis. The new motorway connects Porto Empedocle to the Caltanissetta junction and aims to improve road connections to south Sicily by expanding the current regional road network.

The order includes the design, manufacture and on-site assembly of the TBM, its weight of approximately 3,200t and its length of over 100m. The TBM is expected to be delivered to the site of the customer this autumn. It will then be used to excavate two tunnels, each with a length of 3,900m.

NFM Technologies has also recently added the supply of another TBM to the entrepreneur Astaldi to its list of orders. This EPBM will be used to excavate the extension to the Bucharest metro system. The machine, with a diameter of 6.6m, will dig out four tubes with a length of 500m. The tunnels will be located to the northwest of the town, on line 4, which includes the stations of Bazilescu park and Lake Straulesti